Sunday, February 16, 2014

When Will I Use This?

Sitting on the couch, cranking out some parallelogram proofs for Geometry... Procrastination is very tempting right now. Who needs this stuff anyways? When will I ever use it? The thing is, even though I might not want want to spend my weekend writing out flow charts just to prove that one angle is congruent to another, I know that I will use math in my future. Almost everyone will. You cannot possibly avoid math in your life, 'cause its always going to be there! That is why I think people shouldn't be able to use the excuse "I'm not good at math" to make it go away. Because it won't, and it never will. I accept that math is not my favorite, but I continue to work hard at it because I know, someday, it will go beyond everything that exists today. I want to be able to keep up with what happens next in the world, and math may just help me do that.

~ A

Saturday, February 15, 2014

How This All Started

Guiltless, blameless, faultless - all words that definitely do not describe me. These words will probably never describe anyone accurately. However, people are flawed. I have flaws, just like everyone else in the world. And instead of trying to get rid of those problems, I think people should talk about it. Which is why I started this. If you don't agree with what I say, that's ok. If you do agree, that's great! In the end, I hope this helps me understand myself and my life better than I did before. Thanks! :)

~ A